Friday 8 August 2008

Would you mention your online profile on your CV/Resume?

Jermina asks: Would you mention your linkedin profile url on your resume?

In answer:
Simply - what additional value does it add? If the recruiter or HR person is engaged by your skills and experience actually written on your CV/Resume, then you have made it to interview stage. If not - then it just gets filled in the "thanks but no thanks" pile. During the initial sift process, most HR/Recruiters don't have time to do much more than read the first half page of your application - if you have made no impact in that piece of paper, then your out.

Hence from experience, it makes no sense in adding it. There are many things you should mention on your CV/Resume before your LI profile to get you to interview stage. Once you are at the interview, or ideally on the initial telephone engagement, then it can be used to add value and show your experience and abilities, particularly in developing new business and personal career management.

Good Luck, and if I can help further please - just ask!

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