Tuesday 15 July 2008

A door opening CV/Resume...

Tom asks: Just about anywhere you go, on the topic of career development, you hear of the importance of maintaining your resume... Sounds like such a simple task but with the many formats available and broad audience that it may get exposed to, what is the right format? I would like to hear, especially from those in hiring positions, what opens doors? What catches your eye when sifting through piles of resumes? How does one determine what to include / exclude?

In Answer:
Two angles.....

1. Personally, I keep a journal and a "full-fat" Curriculum Vitae. It details far too much for a specific job or post application, but it keeps me up to date as to what I can write on to a CV/Resume to apply for a position. It also keeps me on track as to where I am heading - your last five years/two positions will dictate more about where you go next/are seen as credible, so focusing on that keeps me focused on development

2. A door opening CV/Resume is more about ticking all the qualifications and experience boxes in the first half page of your CV/Resume, than anything else. Hence, a great cover letter won't get you rejected, but will get your CV/Resume more likely read by the HR professional looking at a pile of applications

A good recruiting or head hunting company should be able to take a suitable set of skills and turn it into a great CV/Resume for a suitable job they have on their portfolio - hence, for those opportunities keep your CV/Resume fat as opposed to light. For direct approaches to companies, pay more attention to your cover letter and their annual report to be able to successfully open the door and get a meeting.

Good Luck, and if I can help further - please, just ask!

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