Tuesday 29 July 2008

Do you network without looking for a job?

Dennis asks: I've been posting in a blog about reasons to network. It does not have to be all about getting a new job (although, networking is helpful there). What things have you done to network? What benefits have you gotten from networking?

In answer:
If to you "networking" is only undertaken when you went a job, then clearly - you don't get it (networking) and won't get the best job.

Your network can bring your plans to fruition - finding you experts, learning experiences, people with complimentary skills, ideas, and eventually: realisation. You can apply those to both job hunting and business development, sales or ideas for your existing corporate job - just about anything you want to apply it to.

Networks are also passive - they don't react best immediatly, they react best over a period of time to a constant tune. The key in networking is to have a plan - know what you want and what you can offer, and communicate that: then passive energy works for you.

If all networking is to you is finding a job when you need one then - you just don't get it! Networks can be career builders, but that's like viewing them as Job Centres

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