Thursday, 31 July 2008

What makes an employee leave the company within three months of joining?

Shatru asks: What makes an employee leave the company within three months of joining?

In answer:
Three areas, in order of occurrence:

1. They just didn't fit - covers a whole lot of issues, from them/the employer not being clean and clear about what they wanted. Often, employees will leave before (in their mind/resultant conclusion) being sacked
2. Their circumstances changed - often job change and life change come together
3. They got a far better offer - there is undoubtedly some "latency" after your CV/Resume comes onto the market

On the whole, going via a recruiter SHOULD in theory reduce the occurrences of issue (1), and the recruiters contract should reflect such a stake in the outcome with a percentage of their fee reliant on a good initial fit/match for all parties: we at Ajiri have a full 100% refund if the employee is ejected in the first 100days.

That means we ask employers to be honest about what/who they want, and have induction programs; we ask candidates to be honest, and in some cases psych tests; and after placement, we call both and meet them regularly to make sure the fit is working - acting in the later part as a "coach."

When ever candidates ask questions about recruiters, I often say: "Have the courage to ask how their fee's are paid - its your right as a candidate." If you find that much is paid up front/as parts of the pre-hire process are completed, then often by conclusion the process is a meat grinder churn of CV/Resume collection, and its not about you its about their fee. If their fee is paid more on success of the hire and part is based/refunded on that introductory period, then they are likely to make better choices/take more care - for instance, do they want to meet you/have a few phones calls before they put your details forward?

Recruiters should work for both hiring companies and candidates, not just on fee notes and processes. Often those with a track record of candidates leaving quickly in one company will also have the same duplicate track record elsewhere - and candidates ought to be aware of that, and test how fee's are paid

Who is the customer in recruitment?

Simon asks: Drucker always asked "Who is your customer?". When undertaking strategic planning within a recruitment agency environment do you believe the customer is the candidate or the client? Can strategic planning be successful when you consider both groups as customers when they often have opposing needs/wants?

In answer:
- In pure theory: both the recruiting organisation and the candidate

- In practice: the HR manager, the recruiting manager, and the candidate

- In reality: there would be no "customer" if there was no need to fill a vacancy, so the hiring company

In the old days, recruiters considered both their dBase of candidates and their client contacts value able assets. In these days of the internet and domination of the market with the likes of Monster et al, the pure "fill the vacancy fast" ethic has meant the customer is where the money is. This is often - always true in low wage sectors, reduces as you go up the pay scale - to the detriment of candidates, who now feel like paper pawns pushed across a recruiters desk.

The new internet world has empowered the employer as a customer, but I think in many real ways for most it has made the candidate a virtual and disposable commodity. Its not a way I would wish to be treated personally as a candidate, and its something we try hard to avoid at Ajiri

Is it OK to lie on a resume to make yourself sound LESS qualified?

Randy asks: The problem I keep running into is that I keep getting told that I am overqualified for the positions I put in for. Is it permissable to lie on the resume and make yourself sound less qualified, maybe even leaving jobs off that would make you sound too professional? I hate even asking this, but I've been out of work too long to really care, I just want to get back to work. I was laid off almost a full year ago, and still cannot find anything. I have started applying to positions well below my experience in an effort just to get back to work. I probably should have moved out of the Austin area when I still had the funds to do so, as I am getting feedback that the military background on my resume may be causing an issue for me in this town. Right now, starting over at a low-level position looks like the only option, and I am going through several different recruiters as well in an effort to secure a position. Just so that nobody thinks I'm being too selective, my count on jobs applied to since my layoff is approximately 1000. Everything from Director level positions to night security guard at a hotel. Obviously, overqualification was not the issue on the Director position, but on many of the others, yes. I have tried to make it clear in interviews that I am not looking for something to tide me over, or something to do while I am looking for another job, but I guess they have been burned too many times in the past to take me at my word.

In answer:
The answer to the basic question is NO - its a definite no to adding experience or qualifications, but selective focusing on experience relevant to the post being applied for is allowed: for instance, that's what a skills focus CV/Resume does.

Secondly, don't under estimate and hence under sell yourself. Eventually, you'll get bored and move on with a lower skilled post - much quicker than you think. Find something which fits you.

And that brings me to the third point - there's something not right here to not have found a position after all those applications, either in how you see yourself, or the approach you are taking: the recruiters you have engaged should have spotted that. I see this myself with many who have been out of work for a while, and in most its just a case of a 1hour chat to get them back on track.

Hence, rather than adjusting your resume, I think its worth engaging some outside resources, who can look at you and your skills to give you a better focus and approach. There are many services available for ex-military personnel, and also from the educational establishments you have attended - often for free, always at lower cost. You could also look at professional coaches, and recruitment agencies and head hunters who provide career management services - effectively a review of you, your career, your skills and what the market needs.

Don't give up Randy - your persistence is highly admirable and employable. And don't believe all these stories of credit crunch and no jobs - the credit induced froth has been been knocked off the top of many markets, but people still retire or have life changes which create new openings. Well focused people who know what they are and what they want are still short resources employers want to hire.

Good Luck - and if I can help you any further, please: just ask!

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Can the CV/Resume really die?

Peter asks: There is a lot of speculation about the end of the resume, being replaced by social profiles (LinkedIn, VisualCV, etc.), video resumes and even audio resumes. Really, can any of these things replace it? If so, why? If not, why not?

In answer:
Did Amazon kill the book market? No, there are more books sold now than ever..... OK, so did the eBook kill the physical book? Ah No, see the Amazon tale!

Will the visual/video CV/Resume kill the paper one? Thought1 - do we all look like Jennifer Lopez or Brad Pitt? Hence the idea that a video will totally replace a CV/Resume is ridiculous - it already has in the fields where it matters, like visual arts and TV presenters where its been called a show real since the 1920's.

So will the online information source kill the paper CV/Resume? No - that's like replacing the gun with a tank: more effective in many but not all situations. And we send more letters and consume more paper now than we ever did before we invented computers

You are assuming in your question Peter that the CV/Resume is a presentation of all the facts. No, its a factual sales presentation - no more, no less. Would you like it known in your job application that you weren't great at catching a ball in pre-school: thought not....!

The summary presentation of someone and the skills needing in doing that will continue - and one format will never suit everyone or every skill: part of the selection process starts with that choice of format. What the online world will give is access to more applicants (which it has already done), and the removal of total lie's from the personal presentation, facilitated through easier checking. Candidates, beware!

Which is the best format?

Wahab asks: Which is the best format of a CV or Resume?

In Answer:
Depends - on what you are applying for, and how you think your skills are best presented. Chronological lists your posts, Functional lists your skills, hybrids do a bit of both. A great CV/Resume won't make up for skills shortages - it won't make a qualified brain surgeon out of an first aider - but it will get you noticed and an interview

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Recruiting for the Small or Home Business

Tim writes: In my experience as the owner/director of 3 small businesses I have found that the best way to recruit staff is through word of mouth or from existing contacts (people we know). I find these routes to be the most practical for the follwoing reasons.

1. We are a small team and the person will need to fit into an almost family-like environment.
2. We have a good idea of the skills needed and the sort of person who would fit in.
3. We don't have a budget to spend on a recruitment agency.
4. We do have the time and skills to interview the candidates.
5. We cannot offer a high salary but we do offer perks (free language holidays abroad, for example)
6. We also have the added advantage in Italy of being able to start people off on a trial work-experience for a few months for little or nothing.
7. Sometimes the right person is someone we know and who is actually looking for the kind of job we are trying to fill. We just have to realise who they are.
8. People who we know and live near to us will have less travel time to work. This is a very important factor in Italy.

What do you other small business owners think or do?

In Answer:
Tim - good words!

Most recruiters will take any brief, but the issue as you point out comes down in small scale organisations to as much about "fit (in team)" as "function."

I have a hard rule now not to deal with organisations below 30 employees for permanent placements. Often, below that line the business is still run in the spirit and fashion of the original and successful owner - who hence does want to change a successful system for fear of failure, and who wants people who do things their way; and there are as many off-agenda issues outside as on job description. Bringing in a recruitment company means often they will advertise the place, which means getting into more regulation - small companies often have weak HR procedures, only found out when an ambulance chasing lawyer or bitter ex-employee wreak their wroth. I find the pensions policy question is the easiest test of depth of HR procedures - "what" being the normal answer!

I think what you have suggested is the best way of recruiting for a small company - fit is far more important, and the wrong personality will be at least three times as costly as average stat's state, probably more like ten in reality.

The best thing I learnt on my MBA was about Anderson steps - its about how people relationships and management structures change as organisation grow. HP employ this a great deal, as no group there gets above 120 people. At the start, you need people you know and can work with as a team (Mike Southon's model is the best here for an early stage team) - you will not only know how these people work, but also a lot about them. I like applying the "coffee" test for stages up the steps: at the early stage you will know what they drink and how, which mug they use, the dates of their kids birthdays, the way they drive to work/to home, what they do on the weekends, the colour of their lounge carpet, etc. At about 30 people you'll be doing well to know what everyone drinks - hence the need for stronger management procedures, controls and corporate communications. Hence, in what you state and in my view - a lot of early stage choice has to be about fit over function. As long as you have a good tick somewhere in the basic function boxes, fit and energy can provide more - processes and roles can come later!

If you do run a sub-10 person company, and have to approach a recruiter, consider using contracting methods and temporary employment as the basis of testing fit. That won't always be possible with some positions/some candidates, but - it will be far less costly from choosing the wrong fit; and it will mean you end up with a better chance of a proven long term hire. If you use this method, don't fall for the recruiters "X% on contract, and Y% on permanent" fee's - that's two bites of the apple (its how the High Street guys make their money), and if they want a long term relationship, a bit of a discount against fee's for an exclusive relationship is wholly fair to all parties

Do you network without looking for a job?

Dennis asks: I've been posting in a blog about reasons to network. It does not have to be all about getting a new job (although, networking is helpful there). What things have you done to network? What benefits have you gotten from networking?

In answer:
If to you "networking" is only undertaken when you went a job, then clearly - you don't get it (networking) and won't get the best job.

Your network can bring your plans to fruition - finding you experts, learning experiences, people with complimentary skills, ideas, and eventually: realisation. You can apply those to both job hunting and business development, sales or ideas for your existing corporate job - just about anything you want to apply it to.

Networks are also passive - they don't react best immediatly, they react best over a period of time to a constant tune. The key in networking is to have a plan - know what you want and what you can offer, and communicate that: then passive energy works for you.

If all networking is to you is finding a job when you need one then - you just don't get it! Networks can be career builders, but that's like viewing them as Job Centres

Monday, 28 July 2008

Second interview with the COO

Troy asks: I'm meeting with COO as part of a hiring process - they are not the final decision maker but provide decision input -- suggestions on approach to the interview?

I'm a candidate for a position in which the hiring manager reports to the Chief Operating Officer (COO). While the hiring manager makes the final decision, the COO provides decision input. To that end, I'll be meeting the COO soon and would like help on a few things:

- What kind of questions should I ask the COO?
- What questions should I avoid?
- What are some business topics that would resonate with the COO specifically?

In Answer:
Don't think for a second this guy cannot squash you being hired. Treat the COO as the decision maker - he is higher on the food chain and his input is really a recommendation to the hiring manager!

If you actually want to get hired, instead of to play interview Q & A games, you only have to remember one thing and remember it throughout your meeting: this meeting is NOT about you. It's about the people who are doing the hiring and their problem. They HAVE a problem they cannot solve with their current staff and are now forced to bring someone in from the outside who they think can solve it for them. And since you've gotten this far, it's obvious they believe that person could easily be you. So now your meeting becomes a blind date where the sole purpose of getting together is to see if the there's enough personal chemistry to start forming some sort of a relationship. Your goal of this meeting, then, is to get the COO ("Mr. Bigg") to like you. The goal, and the way you do that is very simple: you get him talking and keeping him talking about whatever he wants to talk about for as long as long as he wants to talk about it.

The way to begin this (after the niceties) is by asking a question or making a statement based upon your knowledge of the company and its situation (the problem you're being hired to solve), then shutting up. These questions should be based upon your research and knowledge about the company and industry,

Results are the province of the COO - determine what point of pain your employment addresses and be prepared to discuss what you are going to do to deliver results in your new role. The goal? Have him speak more than you!

Study the business (read the annual report, and its website), its market and competitors. Find something in the operations or finances of the company you are interviewing with and ask something "I notice you have 12% lower cost of operations than you next closest competitor and 30% less than the number 3 company. Tell me how you did it..."

When you focus the meeting on Mr. Bigg, you will turn a tense interrogation between a supplicant job seeker and an omnipotent employer into a pleasant conversation between two peers.

How can I create my own career path within my company?

Curtis asks: My entire career so far has been in the same industry. I chose a particular discipline to focus on, but I am discovering that my company has a limited career path for me to follow. My skills go beyond my focus discipline, but even those areas limited. I really enjoy what I do but would like to know what my future could be and to know I have options. Any suggestions on how to create my own path would be greatly appreciated!

In answer:
Everyone - particularly those in corporate employment - need a career plan: so well done for spotting the need Curtis.

I don't think the "inside one corporate" career path is that different to the self-managed career path, and it offers more opportunities - your soft side skills enable you to be liked and offered opportunity in wider markets that a self-managed career path would not. However, the downside is is that if you don't get on with someone, or the markets change and they sell/close your division, then your career path opportunities become narrow.

As with all career path management, I suggest you set a goal - and that's easiest in corporates by saying "I want so and so's job:" yes, pick an individual. Then, read about them - how did they get where they got, and why: training, experience, focus. Once you know that, approach them (Mega Corp via your boss or HR department; smaller size by approaching their assistant), and asking for a 30min meeting to discuss them and career opportunities within the organisation. Most good corporates will do that easily, its just the courage of asking. From that you may well get yourself a mentor, which is what you are really looking for.

After that, network, communicate and volunteer - you still get paid, so what's the problem; and the more you do, the more you will be asked to do and trusted.

1. Network yourself and raise your visibility: target specific people in the company who would be great to interact with and who can help you learn about the options that are there.

2. Communicate your intentions to people who can assist in your goals: I'd enlist my HR business partner (if they have them) and let them know that you are committed to the company but want to expand your knowledge beyond what you are doing now. Also -feel out your manager to see how open s/he would be in assisting you development -but keep in mind that you hold the sole responsibility for that. If you find that there are no resources in your company - perhaps you should start looking.

3. Volunteer to assist on projects outside your immediate responsibility: in today's world, all departments are short handed - so people are open for an extra set of hand. Don't let it interfere with your primary job but be flexible.

From a combination of mentor and approach, you should find a path which suits you - from that draw up an initial plan. In review of your second or third draft (with your mentor, with your HR partner), add in a few "transportable skills" should the division in which you work be sold or you meet with that career blocker - at least then your choices are widened over narrowed. This widening is often best achieved through academic qualifications - the MBA, certificates, the Harvard Exec program etc, which are all tax-deductible costs for the corporation.

Finally - I want to tell you that you are half way there just for asking the question. The thing that most corporate career people seem to say is the lack of opportunity, where as most corporate HR people would complain about the lack of ambition in most of their employees. If you are willing to create an opportunity and career with your existing employer, I think you will be amazed by the reaction. But key to all this is finding a mentor.

Good Luck - and if I can help further, please: just ask!

CV/Resumes - new technology v old tricks

If you read the latest marketing stuff on CV's and Resumes, particularly from those selling VideoCV's or standard eFormat Resumes, then you have to have one of these new formats as opposed to an old piece of paper.

The think goes that.....
A - you stand out from the crowd
B - Your skills can be presented in a way which makes you stand out OR that means all your skills are fairly assessed
C - That Recruiters and HR people get board looking at piles of CV's and Resumes, so could miss your skills

So, these new formats solve all of your problems in one foul swoop - hey hey, job success.

Well, here's a thought......
A - not every one is great at video, and most have never had a presenting lesson on their life
B - most of the formats offered require that you and the Recruiter/HR team have an account on that platform. Your's as a candidate is often free, while ours is often paid before viewing. So, how am I going to see your wondrous CV/Resume UNLESS I am registered? And with so many competing platforms, how am I going to pay all those registration fee's?
C - Every recruiter I know has a CRM system. This catalogues you, and has a facility to scan in your CV/Resume. This CRM system then, when I type in the core skills of a new job I am placing, scans all the people in our dBase - yes, even the scanned CV/Resume - and pulls up those that meet the basic criteria. My large pile of applicants is hence down to a reasonable munchable pile - a bit of scanning and I am down to say 10 great candidates in less than an hour.

Unless you are aiming for a position in the arts, or TV News, or something similar - then Video CV's/Resumes don't make sence - why is the obvious question.

Secondly, the standard formats sell something that my technology over comes - honest, none of ups could cope with even the paperwork for 1000 candiadtes in out offices.

And thirdly - its still the words and your skills which will get you past the initial paper sift: nothing more, nothing less. If you don't have the basic skills, then you won't get the job. Read the advert or the companies annual report to know what those are.

Good luck - and don't fall for those new formats, without going back to the basics

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Is it advisable to write your own resume?

Joe asks: I'm a marketing professional and a competent and creative writer, yet every attempt I have ever made at writing my own resume has fallen flat. (The resumes I have written for clients seem to have resulted in some pretty decent job offers...)

Is it possible to be so close to your own experience, and so lacking in knowledge of what others might consider important that you may not be competent to write your own resume? A few points of clarification in terms of what really motivated me to ask the question in the first place:

1. I have been out of the job market for about 12 years during which time I have been running a full service marketing/PR/advertising consultancy. I've gained tons of experience and kept very current, but I am a bit baffled about how to position myself.

2. Maybe it's because I'm a Gemini, or perhaps it was just to stay sane but I've always tried to be competent in a lot of different areas; a generalist more than a specialist. Others could either view that as an advantage or a lack of focus.

3. I consider myself a competent and seasoned professional but I am getting a little long in the tooth. Is age bias something I will have to contend with or will most companies appreciate maturity and experience?

4. I haven't really needed a resume for a long time, but I do have one and have attempted to keep it updated. The thing is, my LinkedIn profile really does a much better job of communicating who I am and what I am all about.

In answer:
Should you write your own CV./Resume - depends! The only true answer is that everyone owns their own CV/Resume.

The question is answered in combination by - can you write; can you market (its a bit more about structure choice and emphasis in the case of CV/Resume writing); do you know what skills you have/don't have/are required in the market which you don't recognise you have; and can you objectively put that all together in a document?

In a quick audit, you clearly have skills 1 and 2, but I suspect you are too close to you to accomplish 3 which is highly detrimental in achieving the final winning result.

Before suggesting you might like to think later about starting a part-time job as a CV/Resume writer (you have the right skills base), you need a bit of external help in the form of a career coach over a CV/Resume writer. I'd say one hour of a chat with a professional over a phone would help you to resolve the skills and projection question for you to highly competently write your own CV/Resume.

You have been quite open in your question and clarification points Joe, and placing you will be fairly easy - that's a great set of skills you have, that are highly desired in the market place. You just need someone at present to act as an objective and clarifying wall in that middle stage to help you achieve employment.

If I can help you any further, please just ask - and Good Luck!

The career development to management

This is a common situation these days, and one which is ages old - the career development to management. In present career paths, the average person will change careers four times - but this career development has been happening from the beginning of time. So, here's a typical question on career development into management....

Mike asks: How can I format my resume to emphasize several leadership roles I've taken on in my past positions, even if my official title is one of an individual contributor? I've worked as an engineer in the information technology function for over fifteen years and I'm interested in making the change to a management role. My past position titles all are some version of software engineer or applications developer. So, many recruiters send me jobs that are of the same individual contributor type, even though I've recently completed an MBA degree and am looking for management positions. I have much experience leading teams and projects, but this wouldn't be evident by just looking at my past titles. How can I emphasize this experience so the recruiters will send the types of jobs I am really interested in?

In answer:
Easy one to answer - I did the same thing myself, although I can give you a bit more insight these days.

You are a software engineer, and as you would expect, we in the recruitment industry use software to manage our dBases of candidates. So, I have a client who needs core skills A, B and C, so after skimming my head for the current candidates/those who are looking for a career change, I search my dBase for those skills and up pop the basic search candidates. I am in recruitment to make money, so if those skills are in your CV/Resume, you'll pop up in my search of the dBase.

Now, here's the problem for career changers. If you are in the mind and dBase of a recuiter as an X, then you are unlikely to jump to becoming a Z if in both their heads and their CV dBase you are filed as an X. Hence why they keep sending you the wrong job.

So, here's what to do. Get a friend - women are better at this than men - and get them to read the first page of your CV/Resume. Ask them to decide whether you are a manager or a software writer - because its that first page which dictates where afterwards the average reader will file you, and the average software system also.

I'd suggest from that exercise (get at least three people to do the same thing), you need to do two things. Firstly, rewrite your resume emphasising your managerial skills over your software skills - that will be tough for you to do, so in such cases it is often worth employing a CV/Resume writing professional. Secondly, register with a select few new recruitment and head hunting companies, emphasising your outright managerial aspirations. The moment they or any of your existing recruiter contacts send you a software job, kindly point out your new desires - if they do it a second time, ask to be removed completely from their dBase system, and explain your reasons. They may ask for a third chance, but I bet if they contact you it will be about a software job!

This is something I address regularly, and what the candidate needs to do is recognise why they keep getting sent particular opportunities, and work with professionals (and dBases) which recognise their new aspirations.

If I can help further, please just ask - and Good Luck!

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

When you don't have the qualifications

Candace says: I am looking to break into the pharmaceutical sales industry, but have had much trouble in getting a direct phone number to contact or a face-to-face interview in my area. Any suggestions? Companies in my area include: GSK; Astra Zeneca; Bohinger Ingelheim. Location specific: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Area

In Answer:
I will start by saying - your skills at present seem not to match what most of these companies would be seeking as minimums for the position you seek (each on their websites define their skills requirements). Your sales skills seem low level but with well developed market analysis, marketing - while modern pharmachem sales are based on complex systems and business benefit analysis.

However, there is hope - if that's REALLY what you want to do? If it is, then.... assuming your details are already registered on each of these companies job application sections of their websites (if not - do that now and wait about 3days for the phone call...), and you have not made traction yet in your desired goal, then I suggest (in order of action/preference):

1. Preceptorship - If you know any pharmacutical sales reps, see if you can get one of them to take you into the field with them for a day. It is called a preceptorship and Pharma companies love to see it on your CV/Resume.

2. The graduate - all the companies you mention all have graduate programs. You might be a bit old (three years out of college), and it seems you have a two year degree over a four year degree. You would have to take a pay cut, but it would get you in

3. Sideways - take a job post in another area where your existing skills in marketing analysis and deployment would better presently suit, then move sideways once in

4. Contract - take a position with a contract sales firm or medical supply company and use that to build your credibility. While working at one of these companies continue your education and get a four year degree while simultaneously establishing strong med/pharm sales qualifications.

There is another option, better deployed if you have the right qualifications for a targeted employer, but just can't seem to get through the HR door - but we will save that tip for another day.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Do functional resumes "cover up something?"

Roger asks: Over time I've read a number of responses to questions posted here implying that candidates uses functional resumes to hide gaps in employment, job hopping, and/or age. Responders do not seem to allow for any exceptions, meaning that every one of us who uses a functional resume does so with evil intent (my words).

I also read and hear that most staffing personnel spend only 5-15 seconds reviewing a resume to find a match. Given that statistic, it seems logical that a chronological resume would be much harder to scan for said match.

In my own experience with staffing personnel, they have made it clear that the main objective of a resume should be to list ONLY your qualifications for the position you are seeking and to do so as concisely as possible. Again, a chronological resume does not fit that objective.

Hence my question. The candidates I know create a resume with those things in mind. Including myself, there's NO intent to hide or disguise anything. We simply want to list our qualifications in a manner that allows the recipient to review quickly for a match.

It seems an unfair and broad, sweeping generalization to label functional resumes in the fashion described above, especially since you can always ask for employment history once you've identified a candidate for an interview. And after all, what does it REALLY matter what I did 17 years ago?

In answer:
Originally, functional resumes created a wonderful format for putting on display your abilities. However, due to the general public’s access to so much information, functional resumes no longer were this secret weapon of job seekers. Therefore, it became known to the general public, even those who needed a way to cover up gaps.
As with any stereotype, there is that knee-jerk response; Why is this person focusing so much on their skills, and not their work history? Because functional resumes are a great way to hid gaps in employment (as well as all the other reasons you listed)

Yes, it is unfair for employers to generalize as such. In addition, if it gets to the point there is an interview, the employment history could be addressed. But, put yourself in a position where you screen resumes, and then conduct interviews. Would you want to spend half the interview reviewing their work history dates, (because that info was not provided on the resume) or ask them questions that pertain to the job?

Essentially it all boils down to saving time. If you can present yourself in a cover letter and resume quickly and clearly, you are one step ahead. You also did the HR, or whoever, a favour. You saved them time.

Here's a though: When you see a new movie advertised starring Jack Nicholson do you expect (a) a romance, (b) high adventure, (c) something slightly weird. No prizes, I'm afraid, Roger. Now, you're a staffer and somebody sends you a functional. What's your first thought? In other words, hiring teams feel like they're being duped and perhaps unconsciously become resentful of the candidate.

To address this problem, we have all but eliminated use of functional format, and begun pre-emptively explaining the reasons for the job gaps or lack of experience. In my 10-year career, I've found that there's ALWAYS a good reason and a viable one at that.

Knowing the stigma of functional resumes, should be reason enough to stay away. The best way around them is a great combination of a cover letter that supports your resume. In addition, if you format your resume well, it should make it easy for the reader to find what they need - the same way a functional resume would.

A door opening CV/Resume...

Tom asks: Just about anywhere you go, on the topic of career development, you hear of the importance of maintaining your resume... Sounds like such a simple task but with the many formats available and broad audience that it may get exposed to, what is the right format? I would like to hear, especially from those in hiring positions, what opens doors? What catches your eye when sifting through piles of resumes? How does one determine what to include / exclude?

In Answer:
Two angles.....

1. Personally, I keep a journal and a "full-fat" Curriculum Vitae. It details far too much for a specific job or post application, but it keeps me up to date as to what I can write on to a CV/Resume to apply for a position. It also keeps me on track as to where I am heading - your last five years/two positions will dictate more about where you go next/are seen as credible, so focusing on that keeps me focused on development

2. A door opening CV/Resume is more about ticking all the qualifications and experience boxes in the first half page of your CV/Resume, than anything else. Hence, a great cover letter won't get you rejected, but will get your CV/Resume more likely read by the HR professional looking at a pile of applications

A good recruiting or head hunting company should be able to take a suitable set of skills and turn it into a great CV/Resume for a suitable job they have on their portfolio - hence, for those opportunities keep your CV/Resume fat as opposed to light. For direct approaches to companies, pay more attention to your cover letter and their annual report to be able to successfully open the door and get a meeting.

Good Luck, and if I can help further - please, just ask!

Portfolio's and interviews

Vinicius asks: I worked last years with in a web-based systems development and now I want to create my portfolio and show if necessary. How is the better way to create and show my Portfolio? Someone has a idea? What's more applicable to this case? Show only links or some more described like screen shots and detailed specs about?

In Answer:
A portfolio is a great idea, and will really show off your capabilities. You need to focus that in showing both learning, development and progression as well as management/control of project as the portfolio develops.

I would start with listing down all the websites you have been involved with - if ever you go for a professional qualification, a good "diary" will be a basic requirement for entry, so you should have one already.

Next, for each site state your position in the project, and then the client brief: focusing on the business gains they wanted, and why they choose you/your company. Finally, through both the graphics (one page per site ideally) as well as some chosen words, show how you met or developed the final product and your role within the team (so that's need, brief, activity, outcome - think about each as a project). If you have numbers (ie - investment versus return). then include those at the end.

Now, pick out the projects in reverse chronological order - going back from your current to first project. See how your skills have developed, and hence pick the ten which best show how your have progressed along the line (ie - learning, development and progression as well as management/control of project). You want to show your development towards this ideal job

Too many portfolio's include the same old/same old story: brief, cool graphics, invoice - as a portfolio for gaining the next job, you want to show progression on the key skills the employer is looking for. And always include a bit of innovation/progression between projects, and don't leave too long a timeline "gap" between projecxts - space them evenly.

This output should be available in A4 sheet format per project, as well as online - clearly your end deliverable is not on paper, but the web! Its just better to rely on paper at an interview

Good Luck, and if I can help further - please just ask!

Whistle blowing!

Esther asks: Should you include a whistleblowing experience on your CV/Resume?

In Answer:
No - but save it for an interview under the "morale dilemma" category!

CV/Resumes sell you to the employer for an interview. You have four pages of paper maximum (1xcover letter, 2xCV/Resume, 1xqualifications), and trying to cover a whistle blowing event fully will take at least half a page plus, and still leave many HR people with a "cold" feeling due to the individuality of such a choice: ie - are you a team player?

If your concern is that you blew the whistle, and leave an unexplained 6month+ gap in your CV/Resume, don't worry - technically you may have been sacked/suspended at that point or back to that point, but you could wholly and justifiably state you left when the case was resolved. If the whistle blowing went in your favour - ie, you were right; then even an employer who says you can't come back will reference to that date.

I would leave it out, save it for the interview, and get a really great reference lined up around that point - your old boss, or his boss, or another manager around who saw the good you did - and create the great impression that your courage resulted in, not the questions the words could leave in any potential employers mind.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Customer Service holes...... o2/DHL

I have, for a while, been thinking of upgrading my mobile telephone to a Blackberry from my reliable Nokia 6310i. Now, you may be surprised that a techno-geek business person hasn't yet upgraded to Blackberry, but the reasons are simply: (a) I am horribly loyal to Nokia (B) all the Blackberry's have awful audio characteristics! OK, there are Nokia options, but they are not as good as the Blackberry's at Blackberrying

So, last Thursday, I ordered a Blackberry Curve in silver, on a new tariff from o2. "Your phone will be with you Sir in 3/5 working days." On the next day, Friday, I went to my normal breakfast meeting and Mr DHL tried to deliver the parcel, so leaves note. At this point, you could call this fantastic service.....

As I was away from the weekend, I didn't pick the note up until Tuesday. I ring the number, and Mr DHL says: "I've left it with your neighbour." Fine, which one says I "I don't know! But I did leave it with him - not sure of the house name or number, but it was a bloke..."

At this point, I should add some background. In my days in the cost reduction market, one of the area's we addressed was - couriers. Turns out some have more "seepage" on certain small but high value items which are easier cashed, like - for instance: mobile phones. The worst ones were the networks using contract couriers, where seepage rates reached 50% on some routes.....

So, after calling the neighbours Mr DHL thinks he might have left it with without success, I call o2. Having explained the background, the lady says: "Well, its delivered, and they left it with Mr Gubby." Who's says I "well, he lives at your house. It distinctly says home delivered over dropped with neighbour." After explaining I am happily straight, and don't know a Mr Gubby, and that Mr DHL says he left it with someone else (to which she says its hence not o2's fault - well, guess I better complain to Vodafone then....); she rings Mr DHL who says he'll come round - some time in the next few days! But, until he does, they can't replace my phone....

I ring Mr DHL, who turns out to be - Mr Contract Courier! He knows exactly where he left it, except he can't remember the number of the house, but does now remember it was left with Mr Gubby. I ring o2 again, and am told that as its after 18:00 they can't do anything until tomorrow, and their policy is that the package can only be dropped with immediate neighbours - Nope, Mr Contract Courier failed on that one! I decide to use a bit of coercion - so I walk round every house in the estate, all 60, with my DHL card and a bottle of wine: the keeper of my phone gets a bottle of wine, and its a decent £20 bottle I have had for a while. And you know what, even though its a decent bottle of wine, no one has my phone, let alone knows a blonde Mr Gubby....

Boy, am I pissed off! Turns out its not o2's fault, but I can't have another phone until Mr DHL (actually, Mr Contract Courier who doesn't follow o2 policy) has confirmed the phone is not delivered - which he has already stated on his delivery note to o2, but not on the card he left me.

I think they may have a customer service problem.....

Todays update: At 22:10 last night (yes, you read that correctly....) Mr Contract Courier rings me to advise it was Mr Chris Guppy of No.53 who took delivery of my new 02 phone. Having rung there last night with no success (its a rental property), I did the same this morning without success "He's on holiday - or possibly moved!" Come back, ring o2, who agree to deliver a new Blackberry - but, I will be charged if I can't recover the Blackberry at No.53. No says I "well, that's DHL's policy - if you know where the phone is, its your responsibility to recover it." And there was I thinking I had a contract from o2, where in actual fact I have a random delivery policy from DHL - wonders never cease!

Friday, 4 July 2008

How do I give someone a reference?

Often, as a recruiter, I ask candidates to provide me with references - whether the potential employer asks for them or not. The reason for this is that you get a better view of the whole candidate, over a simple interview and test approach.

In the modern world, most references are done by telephone interview, and last around 10minutes - hearing a tone of voice is better over a managed letter.

But, the thing that always amazes me is that the reference person is often more nervous than the candidate! So, here are a few tips on how to warm/be a reference for someone.

For Candidates seeking references:
First of all, candidates pick your references. I know this may sound strange, but honestly I don't want to talk to your dog walker or cycling buddy. Pick people who you have ideally worked with, or known for a long time and that you keep in touch with. Secondly, brief them - from my point of view, there's nothing worse than dumping your best friend in it, to end up with a bad reference. Thirdly, don't pick people you can't give a full briefing to - why you are looking at leaving, why you think this job is great.

For referee's:
If you are the reference point, then firstly say thank you and then: think! Say no now if you have a doubt over later. Secondly, give the candidate a set of details on which the reference taker can contact you - yes, employers do become suspicious if you give too many references. Thirdly, prepare - I often just jot a few notes down on when we meet, and the candidates history, and the date of the last time we worked together/met. Finally, you can refuse to answer any question - there is no right/wrong/have to question!

Referencing is a good way to get a view of a candidate, and as a reference point you have nothing to lose - hey, they may even offer you a job opportunity (around 15% of candidates for a recruiter come through referencing)

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Is desire and passion enough? Or do employers only care about direct experience?

Robert asks: Even in the relatively new world of sustainable building and clean energy, employers consistently require extensive and focused experience in their specific fields. Particularly in a field that elicits such a strong emotional draw, why don't more employers place a higher value on passion and a desire to make a difference?

In Answer:
In the majority of markets, there are enough people who are qualified to do the job, that employers can raise the bar sufficiently and just take the cream. After that they shop for enthusiasm - it called reducing the risk of delivery

In other markets, even when skills are rare and employers find it tough filling positions, employers like to think they are getting the best beyond their competitors. Its called pride in the company

My view is that, in the area of sustainable building and clean energy, that the technology is still developing fast; and that secondly its a tough sale convincing developers to take an greatly over-regulation product which reduces their margin over a regulation product. On both counts, companies would therefore seek well educated and experienced individuals to keep their own technology moving forward and those who can explain the resultant benefits to gain more sales.

Can I guess that your question is brought about Robert by the pile of rejection letters on your own desk, from applying for such positions where you are technically under qualified? Personally, if I was you and I was WHOLLY that enthusiastic about sustainable building and clean energy (two areas, so pick the one you are most enthusiastic about - if I was neutral, I would pick buildings over energy: more of a long term career on easier financed projects), I would pick out the five top companies I really wanted to work for, and having done some research write direct to the President/CEO in a clear letter stating why I wanted to come work for them and what excited me about them/their product. I would include a focused CV/Resume, citations and letters of recommendation from both senior co-workers and customers on projects I had delivered, and may even include a short personal statement/paper on why I was so enthusiastic on this area, where I saw it going in the future, the problems and how to address them.

My only question - if you are that enthusiastic, what have you got to lose?

If you need any help, just drop me a line. I normally place at least one really enthusiastic but clearly under qualified person in that method a quarter - you just need to be enthusiastic enough.

Good Luck!