Friday, 1 February 2008

We need accountants because - people can't add up!

Today is one of those days that make me happy that I have little of my youthful flowing locks still attached to a head which has seen more than its fair share of bangs and knocks.

Because, today was yet another example, when the reason we need accountants is clearly because - people can't add up!

I am presently trying to buy a business in Bristol, as part of a grand scheme - those who are in the know are in the know, and those that don't need to know will at the appropriate time - apply the old rules is always best. But trying to get to the truth behind numbers is proving difficult when most of the "business" people involved can't add up. These so far include.....

  • The seller

  • The seller's "book keeper" - but I don't think they are qualified or competent......

  • The sales agent

  • Eventually, I grew to quite like accountants a few years ago. As an engineer and a sales person, I have to say it was originally like mixing oil and water. But now I realise they are a social service who pick up where the education system left off - and protect us all from the ravages of "Gordon-Brown-Onomics!"

    Plus, because they charge due to their clients own incompetency, I also think they are quite excellent business people - and I really do admire that!

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